
Biology is the study of living organisms, divided into many specialized fields. These include the structure, functions, origins and evolution of living creatures. Sub-disciplines in biology differ based on the scale of organisms studied. For example, biochemistry examines the chemistry of life, and molecular biology studies the complex interactions of systems of biological molecules. Courses  cover areas from introducing the discipline to more advanced courses in the biology.

CONTENTS(Microbiology )

Cell Models – the structure of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells

How Big is a … ? – from dust mites to Ebola on the head of a pin
Mitosis – interactive animation of mitotic stages
Meiosis – interactive animation

The Cell Cycle – how mitosis fits into a cell’s overall life cycle
Cell CAMS – see cancer cells and bacteria multiplying in real time
Pumping Myocytes – these heart cells got rhythm
Apoptosis – when a cell commits suicide
Quiz on Cell Biology – check your knowledge

Class Description and Philosophy

Cell biology is the study of the structure and function of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. In this course we will examine many different areas of cellular biology including: the synthesis and function of macromolecules such as DNA, RNA, and proteins; control of gene expression; membrane and organelle structure and function; bioenergetics; and cellular communication. Examples of relevant human disorders will also be used to help the student understand what happens when cells don’t work as they should! Laboratories will focus both on exercises that help illustrate cellular phenomena, as well as on the introduction of techniques and procedures commonly utilized in modern cell and molecular biology research. The development of critical thinking processes and proficiency in scientific reading and writing will be emphasized throughout the course.

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